A channel reporting on my projects, discoveries, papers and ideas
A blog of the Scientist
Anna Mrazova
Plant-animal interactions and the plant chemical defence systems are a keystone of ecology and of particular interest because they fundamentally shape ecosystem functioning. Despite that, the factors and mechanisms driving the interactions between insectivorous predators and plants, via herbivore-induced plant volatiles—HIPVs remains to be fully...
Combining scientific work with a family with a husband and two children under the age of four is not easy, but not impossible either. A stable family background, a willingness to push one's own boundaries and an all-encompassing love bring PhDs.
About me
I am a postdoctoral researcher trying to understand complicated relationships between the environment, plants, herbivorous arthropods and insectivorous predators.

Contact me
Get in touch with me if you are interested in my field! I am always open to collaborations.