The LifeWebs project: A call for data describing plant-herbivore interaction networks
Understanding global drivers of changes in species interactions is vital, both in terms of improving our knowledge of fundamental large-scale ecology and in order to predict and protect against human-driven changes to ecosystems. Here we present the LifeWebs project, which aims to collate existing data on interaction networks in order to understand their large-scale patterns. Initially, we will collate data relating to plant-herbivore interactions, and this article is a call for contributions. We outline the kinds of data in which we are interested, the procedure for making contributions, and what contributors can expect in terms of co-authorship on subsequent papers and access to the database for conducting their own analyses.
Fayle, T. M., Sam, K., Humlova, A., & Cagnolo, L. (2016). The LifeWebs project: A call for data describing plant-herbivore interaction networks.

Global distribution of plant-herbivore datasets currently included in the LifeWebs database plotted in relation
to biomes (The Nature Conservancy). Note that where multiple points occupy similar coordinates, these have
been separated slightly to aid interpretation.
This is an ongoing project. To contribute, check the LIFEWEBS websites!